Coastal Legal Boundaries

Nichols, Sutherland, Byrne, N’gan’ga, Cockburn

GEOIDE funding


Good Governance of Canada's Oceans depends on knowing what resources (living and non-living) there are to govern; who holds the rights and responsibilities for their safe and orderly conservation, distribution and exploitation; and the spatial limits (boundaries) of those rights and responsibilities.


The project is concerned with good governance of Canada's oceans and will focus mainly on identifying marine limits and boundaries.


The deliverables will include demonstrations of how Geomatics technologies can be used by decision makers to identify the socio-economic, legal, and environmental impact of boundary uncertainties, evaluate boundary alternatives, and resolve the issues. The results are expected to have immediate applications elsewhere in Canada. They will also assist Canada in continuing to be an international leader in ocean governance and marine geospatial data infrastructure.


The objectives of the project are:



Included in this project are three case studies:



For more information see: