Fish School Animation
single largefish school, Middle Rocks

Fish School Animation
multiple small schools, Middle Rocks

Fish School Animation
demersal fish schools, Hurd Deep
 EM710 Watercolumn  Imaging Capability
John E. Hughes Clarke
Ocean Mapping Group
University of New Brunswick

The adjacent animations are examples of Kongsberg EM710 water column imagery obtained from HMS Endurance as a byproduct of the ship acceptance tests in July 2005. The system uses three sectors with centre frequencies ranging from 71-97 kHz. The imagery is similar to that generated by the EM3002, but by using the three separate sectors, the specular signature (generated primarily using the 97 kHz central sector) in much less visible in the sidelobe response of the  outer (71 and 83 kHz) sectors.

 These examples demonstrate the utility of the new capability to delineate schools of fish, distributed, either throughout the water column, as isolated pockets near the surface or elongate sheet-like bodies close to the seabed. Note that in the bottom example the schools are still visible even when they lie beyond the minimum slant range.

It should be noted that, even if the data is not logged, the sonar operators on the bridge can see a reduced version of these displays (only 1Hz imagery) in real time whilst the sonar is active (one of the panes in the SIS real-time software).  These data are particularily good for assessing the role of engine noise and near-surface scatterers (such as bubbles) on the quality of data.

generated August 02 2005 by JEHC