Low Pass Filter beams

Got motion artifacts in your data you're desperate to get rid of? I used this tool to smooth out those high frequency wobbles. It takes a merged file and runs a Low Pass Filter over the beams. Run it like this:

LPFbeams -window # mergedfile

Be sure to make a copy of the original merged file, as LPFbeams will overwrite the input merged file. Decide on a good window size (in pings). The window would be larger than the motion frequency but smaller than true seabed topography. The filter will run from first ping +half_window to the last ping -half_window, so the first and last section will never be smoothed. The filter will calculate the weigthed mean at each beam using the corresponding beams half a window ahead and behind it. Weights are calculated with a cosine function, where 1.0 is at the centre and 0.0 at each end of the window. There is also a -cos_square option if you want to experiment with the weights, but I found it worked better without.

If you only want to filter regionaly, you can also let it run over a certain beam range and ping range. LPFbeams won't do a good job at corners so contrain that portion to work on with -first or -last. For example, to only filter portside of a EM3002 and exclude line turns near the start and end of the line:

LPFbeams -window 17 -beams 0 128 -first 50 -last xxx thefile.merged

In the example below the filter does a pretty good job removing the artifacts at the outer beams and on the flat areas. Note that the ridge and scours are preserved. The line turns are mostly excluded cause the filter smeers the data over the turn, which gives a blurly effect. I have tried to surpress that by regionally smoothing the image. I would draw a polygon and replace all data within that ploygon with a smoothed version. It is extremly tedious and didn't imporve much for this dataset but maybe usefull anoter time.

no LPF

no LPF no regional smoothing
LPF + regional smoothing

Pim Kuus October 2011.