OMG goodies


Water surfaces

To add a water surface that suffers some surface waves:
To add an internal wave:
    synSwath -internal_wave

Customizing your plate



On some (widescreen) laptops the 3D-window appears to big on the screen. To adjust the window size:


Feeding roll, pitch and yaw values:

Feeding in time series

You can choose to replay your survey by feeding in a time series file. Such a file contains the attitude data. The script below in combination with two awk-files enables you to extract a time series file from the merged-files.

Run synSwath with:
Then go via apps to animation and hit 'GO' or simply g in the 3D-window.

Making a plate

follow this link


Dumping raw data to ascii file

To dump lat lon depth from a merged file:
Use -att to dump the attitude data. The output file will have following columns: datestring hour min sec dec.sec gps_time_in_sec lat lon heading roll pitch heave.
Dumping data from specified beam range. The output will be lat lon depth (with increasing beam number). By adding the -utm flag it will output Eastings and Northings. e.g. portside beams 20 to 45:
Dumping (green)lidar waveform info. The output parameters are continuously under construction, check the code.

Dumping r4 data to ascii file

The r4toASCII command is used to dump gridded (float)data. The example below uses a additional depth shift of -3.50.

Merging tides

Applying tides is done in two steps, binarize a tide file (1) and merge the tide file with the bathy (2).

but first.....
The ascii tide file needs to have the following format:

The program some how does'nt like tide values with time intervals larger than an hour. So you might have to preform an before interpolation.


Binarize the file with:


Merging with bathymetry

Later in the processing pipline when you use the weigh_grid function add the -check_tide option. It will then only do the job if you really executed (1) and (2).

Check lines

If your not sure whether a line has been cleaned before:
    check_cleaned -in the_surveyline.merged

Dump flags

Use the dumpFlags command if for some reason you want to re-unravel the data but don't feel like cleaning it again. First dump the flagged data and then after you unravel the raw data load them up again:
    dumpFlags the_surveyline.merged
This creates a .flag_bk file. Then unravel the data again and load up the flags, make sure both files are in the same directory.
    dumpFlags -load the_surveyline.merged


Ploting beam footprints

Creating a plot with the beamfootprints as a function of depth, speed and sonar type. (Not as fancy as in synSwath though...)

1) creat a beam footprint file:

makeFoot -reson_8101 -outfile 8101_foot

The program wil output the text file 8101_foot. It will look a bit like this:

RESON Seabat 8101
150 deg mode
0.200000 // shot interval
1 // 1=equi angular, -1= equi distance
101 // number of beams
1 // number of sectors
0 0.000000 // sector number

# angle width height offset_dirn
0 -75.000000 1.500000 1.500000 1.000000
1 -73.500000 1.500000 1.500000 1.000000
2 -72.000000 1.500000 1.500000 1.000000
98 72.000000 1.500000 1.500000 1.000000
99 73.500000 1.500000 1.500000 1.000000
100 75.000000 1.500000 1.500000 1.000000

2) make a plot file. Provide depth (m), speed (knt) boxsize and axis dimensions:

plotFoot -depth 20 -speed 10 -boxsize 100 -size 10 10 -infile 8101_foot

3) view the results:

viewmeta plot.meta

Differencing DTM's

With the differ command you can calculate a difference DTM:
    differ -first dtm_1.r4 -second dtm_2.r4 -out diff_dtm.r4
It creates a .r4 which can be viewed with:
    jview diff_dtm.r4

Dumping ascii nav data

Use appendNav to export ascii navigation data. This program reuquires you to have a .nav or .decnav-file.
    appendNav -ascii -comp shiptrack.txt merged/sub_dir/*.nav
There are several output formats available:
    -ascii --> lon(dd.dddd) lat(dd.dddd) yyyy JD hh mm hdg??? velocity
    -65.47657230 48.01367015 2006 173 21 43 50.33 0.00 5.52

    -ascii -arc --> # lon(dd.dddd),lat(dd.dddd),yyyy,JD,hh,mm,,sub_dir,filename

    -ascii -excel --> lat(dd.dddd) lon(dd.dddd) yyyy JD hdg?? velocity
    48.00159980 -65.49094210 2006 173 15:50:11.69 0.00 7.60

    -ascii -aldebran -->#|#|4|0|0|lat(dd.dddd)|lon(dd.dddd)|185.00000|185.00000|1|0|0|0|0.00000|0|0|99999|0|0|before|after
Another usefull option is -area. It dumps the nav data from a particular dtm or 8bit-image:
    appendNav -ascii -area dtm.r4 -comp shiptrack.txt merged/sun_dir/*.nav

last modified: 20-11-06 Pim.