Process SHOALS waveform depths

This program was developed to process depths from (rejected) green laser waveforms (GAPD and PMT).
The program takes a merged file and then:

1) Determines if the waveform has a detecable bottom return, and if not, classifies the waveform as "weak" or "deep",
2) Does the bottom detection on waveforms with a detecable bottom return,
3) Calculates the extinction depth for each waveform,
4) Locates the trailing edge for waveforms classified as "weak",
5) Determines the virtual leading edge for "weak" classified waveforms by taking the average setback (ratio) from neigbouring waveforms with a detecbable bottom return,
6) Adjusts the PMT depths to the GAPD depths,
7) Chooses the depth_to_grid.

With the "-use_waveform_depths" option in weigh_grid, you will grid the depths that are chosen in step 7) . Without that option the orginal SHOALS depth would be gridded.

processSHOALSdepths merged_file


Last modified: 2-9-08 Pim.