Annotated Sub-Bottom

Use this script to quickly process sub-bottom data in merged format to a jpg. The jpg will have contours, scales bars, start and end of line anntotation, etc. You can supply it a Boxheader or let it auto-create a Boxheader. This part is not bullet proof, it does a primitive calculation of the line heading and uses that for the box heading; so it will not work well if the line were not straight. Without options the script will do everything automatically. You can instead choose to constrain the min/max depths, change the contour interval, set pixel size etc, etc. The script assumes Amundsen data; if you are using Heron data use the "-heron" flag.
UPDATE: now supports multiple sub-bottom files as input!!!
UPDATE: -first/-last options require modified version of getDepthRange

USAGE:  sub_merged2jpg
                (-pixel 5 )
                (-map box.header)
                (-mindepth 100)
                (-maxdepth 500)
                (-contour 10)
                (-first # / -last #)
                (-amundsen/heron (default amundsen))
                (-outname (default filename.jpg))
                ksub.merged file(s)

Get the script here.
You will need getLineHdg, get it here.

Simplest way to run it without options will do everything automatically:
sub_merged2jpg -file amundsenfile.merged
Or choose to customize it a bit:
sub_merged2jpg -file amundsenfile.merged -mindepth 75 -maxdepth 150 -contour 10 -pixel 1
The scripts works default for amundsen data, for heron data:
sub_merged2jpg -file heronfile.merged -heron -mindepth 5 -maxdepth 75 -contour 5

Pim 21-06-'11

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