Deer Island Surveys
CSL Heron - August 2004

Duxfield and Hutchinson
Ocean Mapping Group
University of New Brunswick

Preliminary images for Maria-Ines Buzeta - to assess coverage achieved.  Click on thumbnails to get ful lresolution (either 2 or 1.5m resolution gifs). Click on meta data link to get ASCII files explaining coordinates of bounds of image for registration in MapInfo.

trackplot, August 2004
trackplot of C.S.L. Heron Data Logging, August 2004.

We'll ultimately make close up 50cm resolution images of the inshore sites that you need.

MAP- 0: Main Fundy Isles Survey Area
EM3000 Bathymetry - 2m pixel size
EM3000 Backscatter Image
meta data
Slope Map
(grey scale 0-black, 30 deg-white)
mosaic slopemap
MAP - 1: Letite Passage
EM3000 Bathymetry - 1.5m  pixel size
EM3000 Backscatter Data
meta data
Slope Map
(grey scale 0-black, 30 deg-white)
bathy mosaic slopemap
MAP -2  Wolves
EM3000 Bathymetry - 1.5m pixel size
EM3000 Backscatter Data
meta data
Slope Map
(grey scale 0-black, 30 deg-white)
bathy mosaic slopemap

created by JEHC Dec 5th 2004 - modified Jan 17th 2005