
Data Processing Procedures

Layout of Mapsheets

2x 2 minutes -with overlap

SNB Air Photo Manipulation

Creating stenciled air photos: creating the stenciled airphotos was the most time consuming task where we had to create a mask over the water areas of each airphoto used in our website and then we used that mask to create an image without the water.

Data Gridding

weigh_grid scripts with reference to specific map sheets were used to grid the data

Backscatter Mosaicing

new_redoss script was appled for backscatter mosaicing. This applied multibeam Backscatter Beam Pattern Suppression

Inter-DTM Stencilling

see the scripts here

Inter Mosaic Stencilling

see the scripts here

Geotiff Generation

see the scripts here

CHS Chart Registration
[to be added]



        mkAPbase               [creats the airphotos for each 2'X2' map-sheets]
        mkallaps               [calls mkAPbase]

        mkAPSTENbase            [creats the stenciled airphotos for each 2'X2' map-sheets]
        mkallstenaps            [calls mkAPSTENbase]

        mkAPCHARTBATHYbase      [patches the data (bathy + backscat) on the stenciled Airphotos and charts-sheets]
        mkAPCHARTBATHYfake      [creates a fake dataset by symlinking]
        mkallcombobathyaps      [calls mkAPCHARTBATHYfake and/or mkAPCHARTBATHYbase depeding on weather map-sheet data exists or not]

        mkallcombochartbathy    [same as mkallcombobathyaps without the stenciled AP by calling mkBathyChartBase or mkBathyChartfake]
        mkBathyChartBase        [patches the data (bathy + backscat) on the charts-sheets]
        mkBathyChartfake        [creates a fake dataset by symlinking]

        mkBeaverAll.sh          [does all of the above for Beaver Harbor mapsheets]


        mkchartbase     [creates the charts for each 2'X2' map-sheets]
        mkallchartlets  [calls mkchartbase]


        mkDTM_Beaver_2005       [makes all the DTM's for Beaver Harbor ]
        mkDTM_Deer_2004         [makes all the DTM's for Deer Island 2004 ]
        mkDTM_Deer_2005         [makes all the DTM's for Deer Island 2005 ]
        mkDTM_Letang_2000       [makes all the DTM's for Letang 2000 ]
        mkDTM_Passam_1992       [makes all the DTM's for Passamaquaddy 1992]
        mkDTM_Passam_1995       [makes all the DTM's for Passamaquaddy 1995]
        mkDTM_Passam_1992_using_dir_PB5 [makes all the DTM's for Passamaquaddy 1992]
        mkDTM_Plover_2002       [makes all the DTM's from Plover 2002 data ]
        mkFINAL_products        [make all the sun-illuminated images from the FINAL data]
        makeAllmaps             [calls mkDTM_*_* with mapsheet number]

        stenALL         [calls sten_* and/or simpleFINAL]
        sten_*          [merges data from different surveys for a given mapsheet and creates a FINAL DTM product]
        simpleFINAL     [creats a final DTM product for mapsheets with data from only one survey]

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        mkMOS_Beaver_2005       [makes all the MOS's for Beaver Harbor ]
        mkMOS_Deer_2004         [makes all the MOS's for Deer Island 2004 ]
        mkMOS_Deer_2005         [makes all the MOS's for Deer Island 2005 ]
        mkMOS_Letang_2000       [makes all the MOS's for Letang 2000 ]
        mkMOS_Passam_1992       [makes all the MOS's for Passamaquaddy 1992]
        mkMOS_Passam_1995       [makes all the MOS's for Passamaquaddy 1995]
        mkMOS_Plover_2002       [makes all the MOS's from Plover 2002 data ]
        mkFINAL_products        [make all the sun-illuminated images from the FINAL data]
        makeAllmaps             [calls mkDTM_*_* with mapsheet number]

        stenALL                 [calls sten_* and/or simpleFINAL]
        sten_*                  [merges data from different surveys for a given mapsheet and creates a FINAL MOS product]
        simpleFINAL             [creats a final MOS product for mapsheets with data from only one survey]

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        mkfinalgeotiff_backscatter      [creats the *.geotif from the *.mos backscatter]
        mkall                           [calls mkfinalgeotiff_backscatter]


        mkfinalgeotiff_bathy            [creats the *.geotif from the *.r4]
        mkfinalgeotiff_bathy_nocolor    [creats the *.geotif from the *.r4]
        mkall                           [calls mkfinalgeotiff_bathy]


        mkAAIGrids_bathy.sh             [creats the ESRI Grids from the *.r4]
        mkall                           [calls mkAAIGrids_bathy.sh]


        mkAAIGrids_backscat.sh          [creats the ESRI Grids from the *.mos]
        mkall                           [calls mkAAIGrids_backscat.sh]

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