2D Tool Window

2D window
The 2D Toolkit allows the for cleaning in "subset" mode, i.e. one can view a subset of all the soundings at once (stand-alone, or line mode, only allows the current line's soundings to be viewed and edited, geographic mode allows one to view, but not clean, the data geographically).  There are several hotkeys associated with this tool and it is worthwhile spending the time to master them since they make 2D editing much easier.

f (flag)
Applicable window(s): 2D WINDOW
Function: Toggle flagging status (flag/unflag)

Key: +/-
Applicable window(s): 2D WINDOW
Function: Increase/decrease sounding marker size.

Key: +/-
Applicable window(s): Auto-flag button in 2D WINDOW
Function: Increase/decrease auto-flag distance.

Key: left/right arrows
Applicable window(s): 2D WINDOW
Function: Migrate position of subset window (once a geographic subarea has been selected, can run 2D tool. After which a subset of the subarea can be selected by dragging a box with the right mouse button in the geographic subarea).

Key: up/down arrows
Applicable window(s): 2D WINDOW
Function: Increase/decrease vertical scale. NOTE: the behaviour of this function if sensitive to the placement of the mouse cursor above or below the centre of the 2D plotting area.

Key: p (phase)
Applicable window(s): 2D WINDOW
Function: Display only phase detection soundings.

Key: a (amplitude)
Applicable window(s): 2D WINDOW
Function: Display only amplitude detection soundings.

Key: b (both)
Applicable window(s): 2D WINDOW
Function: Display both phase and amplitude detection soundings.

Key: i (IHO)
Applicable window(s): 2D WINDOW
Function: Toggle display of IHO limits about the mean depth.

Key: s (save)
Applicable window(s): 2D WINDOW
Function: Save flags (editing performed in 2D window is lost unless saved).

Key: x
Applicable window(s): 2D WINDOW
Function: Dismiss 2D window.