Patchtest Tool

Patchtool window
The patchtest tool operates in a similar manner as the 2D toolkit by displaying soundings from several lines of data at once.  The difference lies in the fact that the patchtest toolkit allows the user to input vessel configuration parameters and apply these values to raw soundings in order to verify that the parameters are indeed correct (roll, pitch, heading and time offsets, in addition to a positioning antenna lever arm).

Applicable window(s): PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Increase/decrease sounding marker size.

Key: +/-
Applicable window(s): 'Static ROLL offset' slider bar of PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Increase/decrease roll offset.

Key: +/-
Applicable window(s): 'Static PITCH offset' slider bar of PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Increase/decrease pitch offset.

Key: +/-
Applicable window(s): 'Static GYRO offset' slider bar of PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Increase/decrease gyro offset.

Key: +/-
Applicable window(s): 'Static TIME delay' slider bar of PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Increase/decrease time delay.

Key: z (zero)
Applicable window(s): 'Static ROLL offset' slider bar of PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Zero the roll offset.

Key: z (zero)
Applicable window(s): 'Static PITCH offset' slider bar of PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Zero pitch offset.

Key: z (zero)
Applicable window(s): 'Static GYRO offset' slider bar of PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Zero gyro offset.

Key: z (zero)
Applicable window(s): 'Static TIME delay' slider bar of PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Zero time delay.

Key: up/down arrows
Applicable window(s): PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Increase/decrease vertical scale. NOTE: the behaviour of this function if sensitive to the placement of the mouse cursor above or below the centre of the sounding plotting area.

Key: 2
Applicable window(s): PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Toggle sounding colour coding/viewing methods (coloured by line, coloured by port/stbd, just port, just stbd).

Key: spacebar
Applicable window(s): PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Recalculate sounding positions based on current offset values.

Key: p (port)
Applicable window(s): PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Apply offsets to port side only.

Key: s (starboard)
Applicable window(s): PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Apply offsets to starboard side only.

Key: b (both)
Applicable window(s): PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Apply offsets to both port and starboard side.

Key: x
Applicable window(s): PATCH TEST WINDOW
Function: Dismiss patch test window.