Dumping Waveform Parameters

This programs takes a merged file(s) and dumps out the desired parameter to a lat lon param ascii file. The user can dump the complete file(s), or portions of the file(s) limted by a scan_range, or only those waveforms the fall within an desired mapsheet. As default only water waveforms are dumped. When dumping bottom return parameters the user can also decide to dump the valid flagged wavefroms only (a function asses each wavefrom and asigns an invalid flag to it for too shallow wavefroms (merged surface and bottom return), undetecbale bottom return, deep water waveform etc etc). I change this program almost weekly so some options of these options may not be up to date and I have disabled a couple...

dumpWaveFormParams -pmt/gapd/ir/raman -out ascii_file the-merged.file(s)

Here are some of the options:
-scan_range -valid_only -area -lin_height -height_only -width_only -surface_only (I disabled all the other bottom return parameter options...)
-k_only -returntype -setback -pim -opaque -extinct -combo -wave_height_only
Last modified: 2-9-08 Pim.