Reading in SHOALS bathy and waveform data

OMG software supports:

A) ASCII files

1) Read the ascii bathy file (.xyz) and put into OMG files structure. Give the .xyz files and the format and a output file name, the program will create .merged and .nav files.

refoOptech -fmt 2 -dont_break_lines outfile_name
-fmt == format type

-fmt 1 : prim_lat prim_long prim_cor_depth prim_depth_conf sec_lat sec_long sec_cor_depth sec_depth_conf flightline survey_date timestamp gps_time gps_week position_conf scan_azimuth nadir_angle wave_height

-fmt 2 : flightline survey_date julian_date timestamp hms_time prim_lat prim_long prim_cor_depth prim_uncor_depth prim_depth_conf tide_datum scan_azimuth nadir_angle wave_height position_conf

EXAMPLE: 302 2005/03/23 2005082 1111592665950555 15:44:25.950555 43.76307208 -79.06807619 35.35 35.35 97 0.00 -2.02 20.53 0.09 86

-fmt 3 : flightline survey_date hms_time timestamp lat long prim_cor_depth prim_depth_conf

EXAMPLE: 901 2006/07/04 12:29:25.014385 1152016165014385 48.00816928 -65.28513547 -998.00 33

*** NOTE fmt 3 is "missing waveform" format !!

2) Read the ascci waveform file (
.dat). This program will create .16_head and .16_data files (watch you disk space, now you'll be doubling the file sizes...)

readOpWave file.dat outfile_name

EXAMPLE of an ascii .dat file:
PMT 1111593302015824 0
1 51
2 51
3 50
4 51
5 51

B) BINARY files

1) Reformat the binary bathy
data (LAS-file) into the OMG file structure

refoLAS file.las outfile_name

2) Read the binary waveform

readINW file.inw outfile_name

C) MERGING bathy and waveform files

Now that the bathy and the waveform data is reformatted, attribute the waveforms (Raman, Infrared, GAPD, PMT) to each sounding. This is the only time you will need the 16_head and 16_data files. Once bathy and waveform data are merged, you will not need these files any more. Move them to a few dvd's to re-gain some disk space.

mergeOpWave -bathy file.merged -waves file.16_head

You are now set to run swathed on the merged files and view the waveform data

Last modified: 2-9-08 Pim.