University of New BrunswickOcean Mapping Group, UNB

Welcome to the Ocean Mapping Group's WebGrid site!

This site allows you to access our data archive and create your own bathymetric maps from them.

See the links above for more information...

The google maps interface (linked near top) is a perfect complement to this system. Use it to see existing data and choose your coordinates!

When you are done selecting your gridding and product options, the process will be started and run in the background. You may continue making new maps while this is going on.

Once the processing is complete you will receive an email with the download details. If the bundle of map products (a gzipped tarball) is greater than 50 megabytes in size it will be uploaded to our FTP server, otherwise it will be loaded onto our website. Your email will contain a link to the data no matter where it is stored.

Download the data in a timely fashion, it will be automatically deleted after one week.

NOTE: This website is running on a less than ideal PC. If several jobs are queued up in the background it can take a few seconds to load up a new page. Please be patient and allow pages to load on their own. Cheers!

NOTE: The WebGrid site has been discontinued. If you would like to receive a map, please send me an e-mail.

The WebGrid site is password protected, send us an e-mail for the username & password. Don't forget to tell us why you are interested in our data. Send E-mail

I want to manually enter the information: Manual Entry

I want to use the google interface to choose my map area: Google Maps Coordinate Selection

Papaya Sunset Productions, OMG - 2012