Undergraduate and Graduate Ocean Mapping Classes
offered by JEHC

SE3353 - Imaging and Mapping II : Submarine Acoustic Imaging Methods

This class, offered in the winter term,  is a core part of the Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering undergraduate program. It is also offered for graduate credit (3 rather than 5 credits for graduates though). The course forms part of the Imaging and Mapping stream which includes:

  1. IM -I: airborne and spaceborne remote sensing SE 3342
  2. IM-II: submarine acoustic imaging SE 3353
  3. IM-III: photogrammetry  SE 4313
This course is, in part, a replacement of the old Hydrography I (SE4053). By combining this with the Imaging and Mapping stream, the teaching of the common geometric framework of electromagnetic and acoustic swath systems can be combined. This avoids duplication and allows the students to appreciate the close similiarities of these technologies whilst understanding the important differences.

The course examines the theory and practical implementation a range of acoustic imaging and mapping systems that are used below the water surface, but focusses particularily on swath systems . These swath systems have recently become the prime tool of marine surveyors. An integral part of the course is learning how to choose the most appropriate system for a submarine survey and then designing the survey based on the advantages and limitations of that system. This course thus effectively introduces the field of ocean mapping and serves as a starting point for those considering the Ocean Mapping stream (of which hydrographic survey is a part).


GGE5013 Oceanography for Hydrographic Surveyors

Theory behind the physical processes that control oceanographic and geologic environmental variables that impact on hydrographic survey design (water levels, seastate, sound speed, attenuation of the water mass and impedance and roughness of the seabed).

SE5083 - Hydrographic Field Operations

This class, which is a technical elective, provides an opportunity to actually  plan and execute a coastal marine acoustic survey. It is designed to introduce both undergraduate and graduate students to the practical issues involved in a coastal survey.  The class revolves around a 3 week field survey in May. The exact location and aim of the  field surveys are chosen each year based on current ongoing cooperative research programs. Whilst in the past this project had primarily of a nautical charting focus, increasingly the surveys arf a nautical charting focus, increasingly the surveys are conducted for oceanographic, environmental, geologic or coastal engineering purposes.

As this is a 5000 level  course, it is offered both to graduate and undergraduate students. 3 credits are earned towards undergraduate degrees, 2 credits for graduate. In addition graduate students are required to provide a parallel research paper that examines one of the technical aspects of the field program. For those interested in the IHO Cat. A academic certificate, this course provides the required minimum field operations experience.

previous SE4/5083 Field Programs

SE6023 - Multibeam Sonar

This is graduate course focussed primarily on the needs of graduate students within the Ocean Mapping Group. Students are assumed to have a good prior knowledge of basic acoustic principles, including beam forming and routine hydrographic survey. The course is offered at the convenience of the students and instructor, thus it may be in the Fall or Winter terms, or even spread out over both.

The course examines in detail specific aspects of acoustic swath sonar systems (of which multibeam sonars are the best know example). A good C programming background is required as much of the assessment is based on developing functions and algorithms to read, extract and analyse real samples of digie real samples of digital binary swath sonar data.

GGE6022 - Special Topics in Ocean Mapping

A graduate course designed to look at environmental controls (oceanographic and sedimentologic) on hydrographic survey design. Students prepare and present a detailed analysis of the oceanographic and geologic framework and variability within a user-selected coastal or continental shelf area.

Other related Marine Survey Courses offered within the Dept. include:

SE5042 - Hydrography II - Kinematic Positioning
Instructor - Marcelo Santos

This is a complementary course to SE3353 that deals with the positioning aspects of marine operations. It is currently being evolved into a broader kinematic positioning course to better align with the department's objectives. It is a required course for the Cat. A certificate.

SE 5072 Hydrographic Data Management
Instructor Dave Wells

This is a new course that will take Hydrographic data management issues, (previously addressed in SE4053 and SE4072)  and combine them in a new focussed course that addresses many of the new emerging challenges that have arisen in marine survey. This will be required for the Cat A. certificate.

SE 6021 Special topics in Hydrography
Instructor: Dave Wells

This is a graduate course, offered for those specialising in the field of hydrography which presents an opportunity to study in detail, one or more aspects of the field (usually strongly aligned with one's research). Basically an opportunity to sit at the feet of the master!

last modified  August 2004 by John E. Hughes Clarke.